Madras Medley

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06 Apr 2017

Going Back Home


My aunt forwarded a collection of cartoons by RK Laxman a couple of days back of which one caught the eye and mind (above). I had a hearty laugh at the brilliance and irony* of the sketch, until it struck me how relevant it was even two decades later, and led to the inevitable prick of my conscience at my current bearings.

The question of going back home is one which troubles a lot of students and professionals who cross the oceans to ply their trade, especially those from India, who are traditionally more attached to their families. Usually, it is pushed into the background for “a later time”, until other circumstances dictate their choices in life.

Being an above average “worrier”, I tend to contemplate this question a lot more than some of my peers, but unfortunately, do not have a clear direction yet. My state of mind oscillates between fulfilling my potential and professional aspirations, and my personal commitment to taking care, and being with my family. While one need not be mutually exclusive of the other, it is, for me, and a lot of my friends and family here.

A simple pros and cons list does not do justice to this multi-layered question. But, there is a limited window to make a decision, before Father Time steps in. I sincerely hope that when the time comes, I have the freedom to make an unequivocal and decisive choice, not fettered by any external interventions.

Who knows, there might come a time when I have a satisfactory laugh at this comic strip after all.

*Quit India Movement