Madras Medley

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः | Books | History | Travel | Technology | Civilization

07 Nov 2016

From Tryst to Tendulkar: The History of Independent India by Balaji Viswanathan - Review by Abhishek Desikan

If you are familiar with the question-answer-website Quora, you are probably aware of it’s most famous power user - Balaji Viswanathan. His book reads a lot like his answers there, albeit a really long one. From Tryst To Tendulkar… is a simple and brief recap of the history of modern India. Right from the time of independence, to the framing of the constitution and alignment of states, India’s relationship with it’s neighbors and other countries, the wars she has fought, the travails and successes in science and economy, the dark period of emergency and the financial crisis, the role each government and prime minister had in shaping India’s future, the rise of India’s software services industry in parallel with Tendulkar’s ascent, the various internal conflicts rising out of religion and language.. The book tries to highlight all the significant stories in India’s modern history and the people behind it, and is a great starting point for anyone interested in an accurate and unbiased timeline of events.

It also serves as an indicator of how history, if explained right, can be exciting and make one curious to learn more. A majority of incidents highlighted in the books, were probably part of one’s school curriculum, but they never sparked an interest in the reader, and were relegated to merely recalling dates and times, and largely ignored the thought which went behind each action, and the consequences of it. It was heartening to learn that the founding fathers of the country were so pragmatic and had such grand visions for India’s future, and the efforts they to took to achieve it.



Originally published here.