Madras Medley

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः | Books | History | Travel | Technology | Civilization

03 Nov 2017

Sri Ramanuja His Life Religion and Philosophy by Tapasyananda - Review by Abhishek Desikan

A primer on the life of the Sri Vaishnava philosopher, Ramanuja, with an introduction to Vishishtadvaita and its differences with Sankaracharya’s Advaita. Ramanuja was a great integrator, and his success lies in combining the devotional aspect of the Azhwars, with the Vedantic Upanishads.

As an introductory book, it helped clarify some basic doubts I had on the origins of Vaishnavism. However, the philosophical aspects were hard to comprehend, which, in retrospect, was expected. A re-reading of the book as well as reading other books would help in understanding that better.



Originally published here.